Danny de Munk calls Wolter Kroes: ‘NEVER defend me again!’

Danny de Munk has called Wolter Kroes with the request never to defend him in the media again. “Hey Wol, you must never do it again. You put yourself in front of the block with that!”

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At one point last year it was just real occupational therapy for Wolter Kroes: he continuously jumped into the breach for all kinds of discredited colleagues. Except Ali B then; according to him, that is a perversion. Juice queen Yvonne Coldeweijer started to get really annoyed at the folk singer at a certain point.

Afraid of Yvonne

Is Wolter afraid of juice channels like Yvonne’s? He was asked on the talk show yesterday HLF8. He replies: “Scared is a very big word, but you have to take it into account as an artist. By not shouting too much about things you would like to say.”

He continues: “For example, I once shouted in the Nieuwe Revu – and maybe I’m saying something stupid again – that I don’t know about Danny de Munk and Marco whether it’s true and that I don’t really believe in it. Danny de Munk, for example, has simply been dismissed.”

Danny calls Wolter

Danny then urged Wolter not to defend him anymore. “I had him on the phone crying: ‘Hey Wol, you must never do it again! You never have to defend me or another artist again, because you put yourself in front of the block.’”

He continues: “At one point there was such a juice channel put: ‘Wolter Kroes puts his head on a chopping block now. There are two artists that we’re sure would never have done anything, but now let’s find out.’ That goes through marrow and bone. Then you think: search! But it’s not nice that they say that.”

New character

So what’s going on in Wolter? “Then you start to watch what you say and you start to change your character. If you come to me at a performance, I’ll give you a hug or a hand. Sometimes I get a kiss and then I give a kiss back. That’s how I am as a person. I am a teddy bear.”

“You’re kind of holding back your own character for those juice channels right now.”
