‘Danny de Munk a rapist?! He’s too sweet for that!’

Wolter Kroes does not believe the alleged victim of Danny de Munk. According to him, his fellow singer is much too sweet to rape someone. “I really don’t believe it. I love that boy.”

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Danny de Munk is under fire now that there is a rape report against him. RTL 4 has its collaboration with the singer for the time being on hold put. But according to Wolter Kroes, that is unnecessary. He is convinced that Danny’s alleged victim is lying.

Wolter doesn’t believe it

According to Wolter, it is virtually impossible that Danny raped someone. “I love that boy. I think it’s a very scary story. If the story is true, and he raped that girl, then it makes sense that he would be arrested. But I don’t believe it. I find the story terribly unbelievable,” he says in the story

Someone like Danny is not at all capable of rape, according to Wolter. “Danny is always a genuine guy, a hard worker and this is beyond my imagination.”

‘He’s too sweet for it’

Wolter points to Danny’s character. “I know how crazy he is about Jenny. I don’t believe Danny de Munk raped anyone. He’s too sweet a boy for that.”

And if he did? “Then I was terribly mistaken. But I really don’t believe it.”
