Danique makes stairs for animals in need: “Nine cats have now drowned”

“I hate to think that such an animal – a hedgehog, a bunny or a cat – falls in and then has to fight for its life for a very long time, and then still drowns. The image alone: ​​terrible.”

She has already raised the alarm with the municipality and nature managers, but in her opinion they are not taking sufficient action. That is why she has taken matters into her own hands and is now building so-called game ladders. This allows wild animals, but also domestic animals, to get to dry land on their own.

Hare and cat

Local residents appreciate her initiative. This includes Erik van der Kleij, who witnessed the drowning death of a hare. Fortunately, when his cat ended up in the water, things turned out better. “We heard something strange. Then I was able to save Teddy by jumping into the water, but it could very well have ended badly.”
