Danielle has lost faith in the police: ‘I was just pricked’

Danielle van der Linden has lost confidence in the police. On Friday, the police released that there are no indications that people have become victims of ‘needle spiking’. Despite that, Danielle is sure: “I’m just pricked.”

Written by

Thijs den Ouden

It all happened during the Square Festival in Kaatsheuvel on May 21. Six people then suspected they had been stung or pricked, after which they became unwell.

One of them was 40-year-old Daniëlle van der Linden. “I walked into the tent on Anton Pieckplein with my daughter in search of a girlfriend. When that didn’t work because of the crowds, we wanted to go outside again. There were some dodgy types at the exit. One of them yelled something to my daughter, “Would you like to come over, honey?” So I pushed her through quickly. At that moment I felt the prick in my arm.” Not much later Danielle became unwell.

“My medical record says I have a puncture hole.”

The police now report that no indications have been found that she is a victim of ‘needle spiking’. Following various investigations, the police have been able to say that nothing has been found in the blood.

Despite that, Danielle is sure. “I was just pricked. In my medical file it says that I have a puncture hole. That has also simply been demonstrated. I want to know what kind of fluid has been in my body.”

“I think it’s something from an anesthetic.”

“They just want to get out of it. We should have blood drawn again. I’m fine with that, but they just don’t do it. They probably just don’t have the men or it is because a number of them have passed out because of the drink.”

Danielle herself already has an inkling of what substance it might be. “I think it’s something from an anesthetic. Such a drug is immediately effective in someone who has never been under anesthesia. I’m quite a patient myself, so that’s why it only caught on with me later.”

“I had lost faith in the police and the judiciary for a long time.”

But how can it be that nothing came of the tests? “They did a drug test in the hospital. It was of course negative, because it is not a drug. It is also a myth that such a substance remains in your blood for a year. It will be over very quickly.”

Stopping the investigation has not done Danielle’s confidence much good. “I had lost faith in the police and the judiciary for a long time. This is a real confirmation for me.”

“That feeling won’t let go of me.”

Yet Danielle does not avoid crowded places. “I am careful and I am very careful. Especially for my children. What can happen to me can happen to them.”

Danielle may not worry about crowded places, but she does worry about her children. “It was for my daughter and not for me. That feeling won’t let me go. I took care of it for her. You do that as a mother.”


No indications for ‘needle spiking’ in Kaatsheuvel

Danielle is angry about doubts that she was really poked and drugged

6 people say they were poked at Square Festival Kaatsheuvel, woman unwell
