Daniel Scioli answered the question of whether he will be a candidate: “they count on me”

With a letter published on his social networks, Daniel Scioli He marked that he is ready to be the candidate of the Frente de Todos, or at least one of them, in the face of the presidential STEP. “I am writing these lines because I feel the need to respond to all the messages that come through social networks asking about my plans for this year. I think it is convenient to choose the same channel that you used to continue the dialogue about a shared passion: the future of our Argentina. Once again I tell you: count on me. As always,” wrote the former governor and current Argentine ambassador to Brazil.

“Thanks to the confidence that the president gave me Alberto Fernandez, I assumed the mission of ambassador in Brazil with the pacifying vocation that characterized me throughout my life, to transform adversities into opportunities. The results are visible. The relationship with Brazil grew until it regained the place of first commercial partner and reached the exchange record in the last nine years. All this despite the ideological differences. I exercised a diplomacy of results, because the Homeland comes first. and because he mercosur it is strategic for growth and sustained development. The physical distance allows me to observe reality from another perspective, “added Scioli, highlighting his management.

“Representing my country before one of the most thriving economies in the world and working to facilitate integration, reaffirmed my convictions about our productive potential, the creative capacity of our youth, the solidity of our professionals and the increasing value of the tourist attraction from Argentina. put me in touch with the latest innovations in the knowledge economy, robotics and artificial intelligence; the deployment of renewable energies, mining and agri-food considering the SME business community as the great agent of productive transformation. Today I am focused on executing with President Lula and his government, the integration agreements signed with our country in the shortest possible time for the good of both peoples”, he stressed about his good relationship with the Brazilian president, today the leader of the region .

“I contribute from Brasilia with a constructive spirit, as I did as a national deputy, Secretary of Tourism and Sports, Vice President of the Nation, twice Governor of Buenos Aires and presidential candidate supported by 49% of Argentines. I resolved commercial disputes that affected the exports of the regional economies and I guaranteed the supply of energy that our country needed to face last winter and what it will require for the next. I learned that with common sense, pragmatism, and resilience we can find solutions. Generating more and better jobs, quality jobs with greater purchasing power of wages and greater investment for Argentina are a priority,” added the former governor, pointing out guidelines for an eventual presidential administration.

And it is that Scioli has the desire for a rematch after being very close in 2015, a choice he lost to Mauricio Macri. Something that pointed out the prostration of NEWS a few months ago when he landed at the head of the Ministry of Production. “Since I entered political life twenty-five years ago, I have consistently supported Justicialism, choosing the opportunity to move towards an updated Peronism of the 21st century. Today I feel strong and energetic to work even more for my country, for the dream of a Great Argentina that was the one that inspired my sporting life and each of the responsibilities for which I was elected by popular vote”, he reinforced.

And he suggested being the candidate who can build bridges in a fragmented Frente de Todos (He has a good relationship with President Alberto Fernández and with Vice President Cristina Kirchner, with whom he has already held meetings on this aspect). “My essence is to reconcile, decompress and reach agreements that make it possible to consolidate growth with stability and social inclusion, with predictability and trust. Half of the country is under thirty years old and requires a vision of the future, which is ultimately what we unite. The other half, demands a present that rewards their efforts. Here I am. I am the usual Daniel, with more faith and hope than ever. Count on me. I’m counting on you”, concluded Scioli, already stationed at the starting line .

by RN

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