Daniel Sancho made two most extravagant requests during the reconstruction of the crime scene

09/11/2023 at 17:34


The program Let’s see has broadcast exclusive images of that moment

Although the Edwin Arrieta case, for which daniel sancho He has been in prison for several weeks, he is almost ready, there are still many new things that we are learning about this alleged crime that the actor’s son would have committed. Rodolfo Sanchograndson of the legendary Sancho Grace. On this occasion, it has been the new program We’ll see the one who has issued some exclusive images related to the reconstruction of the crime scene.

In this video, Daniel Sereno is serene, telling in great detail how he ended the life of the Colombian surgeon: “it I put it in bags, but in black bags. I didn’t look at what I put in each bag.“. Furthermore, it is striking how he interrupts his speech to guarantee that he is collaborating with the authorities: “I’m behaving really well and I want to keep doing it.“.

At one point during the reconstruction, Daniel Sancho asks the agents to allow him to brush his teeth, and even shortly after, he asks them to take a shower: “We let him take a shower. We are looking for the keys to remove the handcuffs“said the authorities who accompanied the young man to the crime scene.

The spokesman of the family, in addition, assures that she is surprised that these images have been broadcast on television “without the defense having them yet“. For his part, Marcos García Monteslawyer of daniel sanchodefends that his client “is innocent. Until a judge, the provincial court in this situation, sees the case. The prosecution still does not have the evidence, they will have it in fifteen or twenty days..”.
