Daniel Radcliffe will play “Weird Al” Yankovic in a biopic

Daniel Radcliffe will play Weird Al Yankovic in the upcoming biopic, Weird: The Weird Al Yankovic Story. The script for the film was personally written by Yankovic. The comedian and musician was supported by Eric Appel. He will also direct.

“I’m incredibly excited to have Daniel Radcliffe portray me in the film,” said Yankovic. “I am convinced that future generations will remember him for this.”

The comedian also said a few words about the film’s timing: “When my first film ‘UHF’ was released in 1989, I swore to my fans that, like clockwork, I would release a major feature film every 33 years. I am happy to say that we are on schedule.”

The film “explores every facet of Yankovic’s life”

Production on the biopic begins in Los Angeles in February. The film will then be released on the Roku Channel. In terms of content, “nothing is held back, exploring every facet of Yankovic’s life, from his meteoric rise to fame with early hits like ‘Eat It’ and ‘Like a Surgeon,’ to his torrid celebrity love affairs and infamous depraved lifestyle ‘ according to a press release.

Meanwhile, Yankovic will be performing his show “The Unfortunate Return of the Ridiculously Self-Indulgent Ill-Advised Vanity Tour” from April to October. 133 performances are planned.


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