Dani Alves changes lawyer Cristóbal Martell for a doctor in Criminal Law

The former player of FC Barcelona and the Brazilian national team Daniel Alvesimprisoned since last January for the alleged sexual assault of a 23-year-old girl at the Sutton nightclub in Barcelona, ​​has changed lawyer. From now on, the lawyer will be in charge of his defense Ines Guardiola Sanchez, doctor in Criminal Law from the University of Barcelona. The lawyer replaces Christopher Martell. cConsidered one of the golden robes of the legal profession, the lawyer has been in charge of representing the former soccer player in recent months. Despite his repeated attempts, he has not managed to free the footballer, who remains in preventive detention since his arrest on January 20.

The judicial process is currently in the Barcelona Court, so that the corresponding court can conclude the summary and the prosecution and the accusations can present their indictment documents. After that, it will be the defense’s turn, therefore the Brazilian star’s new lawyer.

Own office

Inés Guardiola (Barcelona, ​​1981) has own office. She has a degree in Law from the Pompeu Fabra University, she has completed a master’s degree in Criminal Law and Criminal Sciences, and is doctor by the University of Barcelona. She is currently secretary-treasurer of the Penitentiary Law Commission and the Drug Commission of the Col.legi de l’Advocacia of Barcelona and serves as teacher associate of Criminal Law at the University of Barcelona. She also teaches Economic Criminal Law classes at the Abat Oliva University and regularly gives lectures. Her colleagues define her as a technical and professional lawyer.

At the end of last July and after more than six months of investigations, the investigating judge in the case, Concepcion Canton Martín, prosecuted Alves for the crime of sexual assault with carnal access (rape). The events investigated occurred on December 30 in a tiny bathroom in the booth of the Sutton nightclub in the Catalan capital.

“Sufficient indications”

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At that time, the judge argued that there are “sufficient rational” evidence against him to send him to trial. The judge has also imposed a penalty on the player.bail of 150,000 euros not to get out of prison, but to pay eventual compensation – high by judicial standards. The forensic experts have also ruled that the victim “meets the criteria of a post-traumatic stress disorder“of “high intensity”, “with functional repercussions and deterioration in several areas of functioning” that can be “significantly” related to the events reported.

The defense decided not to appeal the order to speed up the trial, which could be held at the end of this year or early next year. Both the judge and the Barcelona Court confirmed on two occasions the imprisonment of the Brazilian star who, in his last statement, assured that what happened at the entertainment venue was consensual sex.
