Danger! How to get through customs with new devices

Customs upon departure

In most cases, leaving a country is easier than entering in terms of baggage regulations, because customs are mainly interested in protecting their own country from prohibited or dangerous items. At German airports, for example, when traveling to other EU countries, there are hardly any incidents where customs have to confiscate the contents of the passengers’ luggage. It should be noted, however, that every departure is followed by an entry and you should therefore always find out about the relevant import regulations.

New devices and German customs

Since many people fly abroad for vacation, it is increasingly the case that travelers carry new electronic devices such as laptops, iPhones or other high-quality devices with them. However, during a check on the return journey, German customs may be unclear as to whether the device was bought abroad or in Germany before the holiday. If the inspected vacationer cannot prove that he bought the device in Germany, he will have to pay the import sales tax and possibly the appropriate customs duty.

According to the IT specialist portal “Heise Online”, this can be prevented by having a “simplified certificate of identity in travel” issued by customs before leaving the country. This document immediately signals to the German customs that the device was purchased in Germany and thus prevents possible inconveniences during an inspection.

What can also cause difficulties at customs?

In Germany, import restrictions are less pronounced than in many other countries. When entering Germany, it is forbidden to bring counterfeit products, rough diamonds, weapons and ammunition with you. In addition, there are some goods that are not directly prohibited, but there is still the possibility that customs may confiscate them. These include, for example, textiles and food. Here you have to research the customs regulations more closely to see whether you need special documents for importation in order to prove to customs that there is no danger from the goods. In any case, it is best to find out about any entry regulations online in good time when you start a trip abroad or return to Germany.

Editorial office finanzen.net

Image sources: Markus Gann / Shutterstock.com
