Damage to Aa and Hunze at the turn of the year is five times lower than last year

The turn of the year in Aa and Hunze passed off relatively quietly. Compared to last year, the municipal damage is five times less.

Few reports were received by both the police and the field service of Aa and Hunze. The damage will cost around 800 euros this year. For comparison: last year this was 4000 euros.

Demolition is not in the nature of people here

According to mayor Anno Wietze Hiemstra, the amounts are actually very low in both years compared to most other municipalities. “There isn’t much mischief here. On New Year’s Eve I drove the car for another round. People are shooting carbides and having fun. This does not include the demolition of street furniture. That’s not the nature of people here. I think that is very nice.”

The fact that the costs were considerably higher last year is due to the fact that two lampposts broke. “Those things are just expensive.” This year it is about a blown-up referral sign and broken glass from a bus shelter.

“We may have missed a sign somewhere, but you can safely say that our turn of the year went smoothly, with little damage.”
