Dajana Eitberger on the long-term consequences of Corona: “Can’t get the puzzle together anymore” – tobogganing – winter sports

Luger Dajana Eitberger is still suffering from the late effects months after her corona infection. In the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” the 31-year-old reported physical weakness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating and memory lapses. Eitberger tested positive for the virus in December.

On bad days, the strength is just enough for the afternoon buggy ride with the two-year-old son. On good days, she now manages to train on the ice rink again, “without having to recover from it for a week”said Eitberger.

Eitberger: “Training again much too soon after the corona infection.”

Born in Thuringia and living in Augsburg, the past Olympic season ended prematurely after falling in Sigulda in Latvia. “That’s when I realized that I wasn’t even fit and that I started training again much too early after the corona infection.”explained Eitberger.

The Olympic silver medalist from 2018, who had already fallen at the World Cup in Winterberg after her corona infection in December, missed the following winter games in Beijing. Technical know-how has always been her strength, explained Eitberger, “Now I can’t put the puzzle together”.

Eitberger calls for better support from associations

She now wants to seek psychological help for the first time in order to regain trust in her body. She appealed to the sports associations not to leave athletes affected by long-term Covid consequences to themselves. Offers, care and more understanding are needed.

Source: dpa
