DAILY PREVIEW/19. October 2022


*** 07:00 DE/Sartorius AG, result 9 months (09:00 media conference)

*** 07:00 NL/ASML Holding NV, 3Q result

07:00 NL/Just Eat Takeaway.com NV, Trading Update 3Q

*** 07:15 CH/Nestle SA, sales 9 months

*** 08:00 DE/Order backlog and reach manufacturing August

*** 08:00 UK/Consumer Prices September

FORECAST: +0.4% yoy/+10.0% yoy

before: +0.5% yoy/+9.9% yoy

10:00 DE/Flatexdegiro AG, detailed result 3Q

(09:00 press call)

10:50 EU/ECB allotment of 7-day dollar tender

*** 11:00 EU/Consumer Prices September

euro zone

FORECAST: +1.2% yoy/+10.0% yoy

Preliminary estimate: +1.2% yoy/+10.0% yoy

previously: +0.6% yoy/+9.1% yoy

Core rate (excluding energy, food, alcohol, tobacco)

FORECAST: +1.0% yoy/+4.8% yoy

Preliminary estimate: +1.0% yoy/+4.8% yoy

before: +0.5% yoy/+4.3% yoy

11:00 DE/Association of Public Banks Germany (VÖB),

PK for capital market forecast

11:00 DE/Federal Government, Cabinet Meeting, Berlin

11:00 DE/Association of Taxpayers, PK with President Holznagel

on the Black Book 2022/23, Berlin

11:45 DE/Federal Minister of Transport Wissing, Pk for presentation

of the charging infrastructure master plan, Berlin

*** 12:55 US/Procter & Gamble Co, Result 1Q

13:00 DE/Federal Government, Government Pk, Berlin

13:00 DE/Bundestag, plenary session with government consultation

by Transport Minister Wissing, Berlin

*** 13:00 US/Travelers Cos Inc, 3Q result

13:30 US/Abbott Laboratories, result 3Q

*** 14:30 US/Housing Starts/Permits September

housing starts

FORECAST: – 6.7% m/m

before: +12.2% vs vm

building permits

FORECAST: +1.5% vs. ms

before: -10.0% vs. mom

*** 16:30 US/Crude Inventory Data (Week) of

State Energy Information Administration (EIA)

16:30 FR/DE/German-French Financial and Economic Council (DFFWR),

Video press conference with France’s economy and finance ministers

Bruno Le Maire, Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck and

Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner, Paris/Berlin

*** 19:00 DE/Deutsche Börse AG, result 3Q

19:00 US/Fed Minneapolis President Kashkari

(Non-voting FOMC in 2022) Speech at

Travelers Institute Employee Townhall

*** 20:00 US/Fed, Beige Book

*** 22:07 US/Tesla Inc, 3Q result

*** 22:08 US/International Business Machines Corp (IBM),

Result 3Q

22:10 US/Alcoa Inc, 3Q result

– EN/End of the three-day pilots’ strike

Lufthansa subsidiary Eurowings

– CN/continued Communist Party Congress (until 22.10)


– *** indicate dates on which one-line flash headlines are expected to be broadcast

– Appointment without a time is pending during the day

– Times in current local time in Germany

– No guarantee for correctness and completeness

Contact the author: [email protected]


(END) Dow Jones Newswires

October 19, 2022 00:10 ET (04:10 GMT)
