Daily Horoscope April 9 – Don’t make empty promises in love, Aquarius! † Horoscopes


Money plays a dominant role in your horoscope this year and the cosmos advises you to get your financial world moving by innovating and experimenting. Throw out old motivations and learn through experience and mistakes, it works for you.


There are several paths to prosperity, and when one comes to a dead end, you find another and learn by doing. Social contacts can help you financially; friends with money and prestige can offer great opportunities and act as a safety net. You will not be bored.


Do your best to get the tensions that have arisen under control. Meditation, yoga and massage can help restore balance. Call or drop by a family member you are concerned about if you can.


As a counterbalance, opt for a busy work environment for a relaxing weekend. Take a masterclass or refine a technique in an area that interests you. Meeting up with old friends will feel like a warm bath.


Saying goodbye to someone you love can create mixed feelings. A business problem requires investigation to reach a conclusion. You may be able to retire early from your job.


You are sometimes too friendly and therefore lose time with others when it is not necessary. Rather spend that time with loved ones. You’ll get in trouble if you hang out with the wrong people.


You will feel more comfortable sharing your feelings and concerns with someone you love. Seek support for a big change in your life. Don’t get burned if you hear something you don’t like.


Reserve time for those that matter to you. Talk candidly and freely about matters that concern you. Don’t be too quick to judge. People need time to come to a clear opinion and statements.


The things you have been worrying about recently will be much less important now. You can attract attention with your artistic talent and you will have to think about how you can capitalize on that interest.


Don’t worry too much about things you can’t change. Just have a nice weekend and say out loud what you love about your partner. The other will appreciate that more than you think.


If you are not on good terms with someone close to you, keep quiet about it. Improve the safety of your home and property. There is blessing in home improvements; like new locks on doors and thieves’ claws. Sleep in on Sunday.


Confusion and chaos threaten. Make an effort to add regularity and structure to your daily life. Adjust priorities if your life has changed and don’t let financial matters get out of hand.


Check bank statements. An error may also have crept into an itinerary. Shopping will be satisfying as long as you don’t spend more than you own. When it comes to love, don’t promise more than you can deliver.


If you can bring yourself to be humble and grateful, everything will be fine. Learning a new skill can be disappointing, but you can master it with a little perseverance. NB; don’t let you know!

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