Daddy Brieva vs. Jorge Lanata: the program he prepares at C5N

Daddy Brieva will have program in C5N and it will be called “PPT: Journalism for all”the same name as the program that the journalist Jorge Lanata knew how to take into The thirteen. Many interpreted this as an affront on the part of Brieva towards Lanata: the comedian is a staunch defender of Kirchnerism, and his program will be called the same as that of one of the journalists who most criticized the government of Nestor and Cristina Kirchner. Precisely that cycle, where Lanata combined journalistic reports with moments of humor and imitations, was one of the most watched programs by the anti-K audience during its 11 seasons, between 2012 and 2022.

And it is not the first time that both antagonistic figures have faced each other. In 2018, still under the government of Mauricio MacriLanata stated that Brieva seemed like a “miserable”, after the comedian stated in the program “We can talk” (Telefe) that he wanted the Argentines to “have a bad time” so that they would not vote for the Macrista government again. To this, Brieva only replied that she had “admired” Lanata for a long time, because It seemed to him “incorrect” and that “he felt that they were in that place”. Meanwhile, in March 2022, after the former Midachi criticized the Kirchner government, Lanata declared that Brieva “should keep her mouth shut” after “the atrocities that she said in favor of.”

The comedian K was harshly criticized by Lanata when in 2020 he stated in “We came back better”, his program in The Uncover Radio, who wanted to “grab a truck and play bowling for the 9th of July…” with the people who had marched against the government. These statements earned him a complaint for “public intimidation” and “apology of crime.”

Brieva’s new program on C5N will go on Sundays at 9:00 p.m. and will be part of the channel’s new programming in 2023. Some of the novelties of this renewed schedule are the return of “Hard to tame” with driving Paul Dugganwhich will go from Monday to Friday from 9:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. and “No place for wimps”an opinion program hosted by Fernando Borroni.

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