D66 wants the OM to be able to ban political parties

D66 wants the Public Prosecution Service to be able to ban political parties as well. Jan Paternotte, leader of the party in the House of Representatives, confirms that Wednesday on Twitter after reporting by the NOS. “Democratic rule of law is our most precious asset. We have to be careful with that.”

On the basis of Article 2:20 of the Civil Code, the Public Prosecution Service can submit a request to the court to prohibit an organization ‘whose object or activity is contrary to public order’. For example, judges have previously banned motorcycle clubs on the basis of that rule, but according to the NOS and de Volkskrant political parties are exempt from the law.

The cabinet is expected to introduce a new Political Parties Act at the end of this year, which also includes the possibility of a ban, but Paternotte does not want to wait for that, he tells NOS. “That will take another year and a half, while we see that radicalization is going fast in some parties in the Netherlands.”

Recent statements by members of the Forum for Democracy are the reason for the proposal, says Paternotte against the NOS. At the beginning of this week, the party was again in the news after MP Gideon van Meijeren said in an interview that he hopes for a “revolutionary movement” that should move towards parliament.

Read also After a new riot around FVD, there is a call for stricter rules
