CZN Burak shared from the hospital

There was a lot of talk about the footage of Burak Özdemir, who went to Antalya last summer due to a forest fire, in a white shirt and with a household fire extinguisher in his hand, fighting the fire that surrounded all around. CZN Burak, who got worse after approaching the flames rising for meters and was taken to an ambulance and taken under observation, shared these moments on social media.

Some social media users made comments about Özdemir, who they thought slowed down the officers, “turned the firefighting efforts into a show”.


Özdemir, who published photos from the extinguishing works, said, “It is 03:40, the place is Antalya Manavgat. I just followed the road to the fire and came here. It is not just a tree that burns here, but our souls and other souls we breathe the same air with. The description is not enough to describe my feelings, but it is never as it seems from afar. He wrote the message “May Allah be pleased with everyone who made an effort to put out these fires”.


Making a statement after the reactions, the famous chef said, “Unfortunately, the evil does not end in some people. When we went to Antalya for help, we saw a fire when we got there. We tried to help with our own efforts. Later, firefighters got involved and we extinguished the left side. We just did our best.” he said.

Özdemir said, “I have never had any expectations from anyone, nor can I. Some malicious people continue to slander with their bad intentions. No matter what anyone says, I will always continue to do my best. Thank you for supporting me.”


CZN Burak, who is also a social media phenomenon, came to the fore with the news that ‘died’ about him afterwards. Burak Özdemir, on his Instagram account, said, “I think some friends wanted to joke, but many messages came. Friends, I am not dead, I am alive, thank God”.


The 26-year-old famous name recently made a new post from his social media account, which has 34 million followers that he actively uses. Özdemir, who published a frame taken in his hospital bed, wrote the following note on his photo:

“Just a little control, love is the most beautiful bond.”

Burak Özdemir’s post, which received 605 thousand likes and 12 thousand comments, received messages of “Get well soon” and “Immediate recovery” from many of his followers, especially famous names.

Özdemir shared the video of the moments he was in the hospital from his Tiktok account.


On the other hand, the famous chef attended the special screening of the movie ‘Spider Man: No Way Home’, which was released on December 17, at City’s Nişantaşı; He was met with intense interest from his fans.

CZN Burak, who explained to the members of the press that he got rid of his excess weight completely, also attracted attention with his fit form.
