Cyriel was beaten to death with tools: 9 years and a TBS sentence

The Public Prosecution Service on Monday demanded a prison sentence of 9 years in prison and TBS with coercion against a man and woman for killing Cyriel Oudenes (34) in Roosendaal. The victim was found dead in his apartment on April 28, 2022. The suspects are his ex Deborah S. (41) and her new boyfriend Junior van O. (28).

The pair came to deliver groceries on April 27, Van O said. He was allegedly hit by the victim at the front door, after which they got into a struggle. Van O. then held Oudenes in a stranglehold on the ground, ‘so that he would calm down’. Meanwhile, S. hacked at the victim with various types of tools. The suspects’ DNA was discovered in several places in the home. A wrench and hand saw, among other things, are said to have been used.

The body was found a day later in the house on Burgemeester Freijterslaan. An employee of the housing association found the victim tied up next to bloody tools. In total he appeared to have 377 injuries. “He was badly damaged,” said the chairman of the court in Breda. A high dose of drugs was also found in his body. However, he probably died from strangulation or blood inhalation.

“Outright torture,” said the prosecutor. According to her, Oudenes’ death was less unintentional than Van O. makes it seem. She believes that he also carried out torture and that this is a case of manslaughter.

S. stated that she cannot remember anything anymore. She and Van O. used a lot of drugs at the time. She called her late ex, with whom she has two children, a “monster.” He was said to have been aggressive and assaulted her. Other witnesses also stated this. Still, she misses him every day, she said.

The two suspects were arrested on April 30 in a house on Jan Vermeerlaan in Roosendaal. There were still traces of Oudenes’ blood on S.’s socks.

The verdict is on November 16.
