Cyclist seriously injured in tractor accident has died

The cyclist who ended up under part of a moving tractor in Best at the end of last month, died on Saturday. This is reported by the police. The man came under a very heavy component, the furrow packer, after it broke off. Cycling buddies with whom he cycled still freed him at the time.

The man was part of a group of cyclists from the LTC ‘t Groene Woud association from Liempde. It was actually the first evening ride of the season, when they cycled over the Oude Baan in Best at ten past seven. A tractor came in the opposite direction. The agricultural vehicle stopped as soon as the packer broke off. The part rolled over and the cyclist was unable to avoid it.

Trauma helicopter
Soon the fire brigade, ambulances and police were there. An air ambulance also landed on a nearby meadow. The cyclist was taken to hospital with serious injuries. He died on Saturday, police said.

One of his cycling buddies told about it a day after the accident with great emotion. “It was very unlucky that we were cycling there just at that moment. If that thing had broken down two seconds later, nothing would have happened. But if we had cycled in a large group, it might have been even worse.”

Cause unknown
It is not known how the front packer could break off. A police spokesperson said it is still under investigation.


Cyclist hit by part of tractor that breaks off, man seriously injured

Cycling buddy of seriously injured cyclist after tractor accident: ‘Was huge bad luck’
