Cyclist hit by part of tractor that breaks off, man seriously injured

A cyclist was seriously injured on Wednesday evening when the harrow of a moving tractor broke off on the Oude Baan in Best. The man drove into it head-on and ended up under the very heavy part, which is used to prepare the soil for sowing. Other cyclists freed him by lifting the harrow from him.

The man was cycling along the country road with other cyclists around ten to seven, when the tractor drove up in the opposite direction. The tractor stopped when the harrow broke off. The part rolled over and hit the cyclist, who was unable to avoid him.

Soon the fire brigade, ambulances and police were there. An air ambulance also landed in a nearby field. The cyclist was taken to hospital with serious injuries.

The Oude Baan is still closed. A team of traffic specialists from the police is investigating how the team could break off. The driver of the tractor has been taken to the station for questioning. Victim support has been arranged for the rest of the cycling club.
