Cyclist Büchli about switching to the road: “I got cramps after five minutes”

A few months ago, cyclist Matthijs Büchli switched from the track to the road. “I was disappointed before. I thought it would be easier,” said an honest Büchli.

There’s work to be done

So the Santpoorter is having a hard time, but he also realizes that the transformation takes time. Today the presentation of his team BEAT was on the agenda.

Büchli started the year with races in Mallorca. “I seriously got cramps after 5 minutes during the first race. It went so incredibly fast. Then I thought what I started. After that it got better.”

Last week he rode Olympia’s Tour. Despite the fact that he did not finish the multi-day race, it went much better than the competitions in Mallorca. On April 6, Büchli will ride the Scheldeprijs.

put away

The hardest part of the transformation is cycling uphill. “I’m a lot heavier than the rest of the peloton. It makes no sense to ride in someone’s wheel uphill either. Then it’s about your own strength and then I’m not good enough.”
