Cyclist accident | Cycling march in Barcelona to demand road safety and an end to impunity

09/03/2022 at 13:37


Hundreds of bike lovers walk the streets of the municipality in memory of the two companions who died on August 21 in Castellbisbal after being run over by a hit-and-run car

Sick of hearing on the news that a driver has left free with charges after fatally running over one, two or three cyclists; outraged by the death of two companions on August 21 in Castellbisbal after being run over by a vehicle who ran awayhundreds of bike lovers of road have gathered this Saturday in Ruby (the victims belonged to the Rubí Cycling Club) to show their anger and also their solidarity. have asked for more asphalt safety, and also less impunity. That killing someone is not so cheap.

The march started at 10 in the morning on the Rambla del Ferrocarril and has traveled through different streets of the municipality until reaching the town hall, where a minute of silence has been shared and a round of parliaments has taken place that have revolved around the same issues. : security and impunity. The crash occurred on August 21 on the C-243c road, at the height of the FGC Martorell-Vila station. A car hit a group of eight cyclists, causing the death of two of them and leaving a third seriously injured. A few hours later, the Mossos arrested the author, a man from Martorell who, by order of a judge, remains in provisional prison. The Catalan Cycling Federation has already announced that it will appear as a private prosecution in the case against the person responsible for these two deaths.

Cycling march in Rubí to demand road safety and an end to impunity. |

Last August 28th, a first protest march along the Garraf coast in which nearly 300 people participated. “This pedaling is born from the feeling of pain suffered by the entire cyclist group, we must say enough deaths” he recounted Lilian Rodriguezspokesman for Cubelles Cycling Clubspokesperson for the mobilization.
