Cyclist (57) died after a collision with a car

Blue light on the roof of a police vehicle (symbol photo)

In Tempelhof-Schöneberg, a cyclist died after a serious traffic accident Photo: picture alliance / Eibner-Presse

From BZ/dpa

The cyclist was hit by a car on Sunday afternoon on Mariendorfer Damm.

A 57-year-old cyclist died in a car accident in Berlin. A police spokesman said on Sunday.

The accident happened around noon on Mariendorfer Damm – and apparently not at a major intersection. According to initial findings, the woman was heading towards the city center, the spokesman said.

Then she is said to have turned left and been hit by the car. The exact circumstances were still unclear.

The police wanted to release more information on Monday after the work at the accident site was completed.


Mariendorfer Damm cyclist accident accidental death traffic accident
