Cycling: Van Aert is sick, he risks not running Flanders

The team has made it known that the Belgian champion has had to miss the reconnaissance and judges his presence “unlikely”. He would thus miss the highly anticipated challenge with the Dutch Van der Poel

The Tour of Flanders risks losing one of its most anticipated protagonists, Wout van Aert. It was the same Jumbo-Visma, the team of the 27-year-old Belgian national champion, to announce that Van Aert had to skip the reconnaissance on the Ronde route, which will experience the 106th edition on Sunday. And the team judges his presence on Sunday ‘unlikely ‘.

No duel

The highly anticipated challenge with Dutchman Mathieu Van der Poel would also miss: this season Van Aert, 2nd at Flanders 2020, in Belgium had already won the opening of Het Nieuwsblad on February 26 and E3 Harelbeke on Friday March 25.
