Cycling: Tour de France: Another raid on Team Bahrain-Victorious

Status: 06/30/2022 10:22 a.m

One day before the start of the Tour de France in the Danish capital Copenhagen, there was another raid on the Bahrain-Victorious team. On Thursday morning at 5.30 a.m., the team’s hotel rooms and cars were searched in the Bröndby district.

According to the Copenhagen police, this was done at the request of the French police. “We have no further information about the operation,” investigator Dannie Rise said in the statement. The team said they were fully cooperating with authorities and no items were confiscated.

Raids in three countries

Already on Monday there had been searches of the homes of drivers and team members across Europe. The team announced this themselves, but left open where the searches took place and which people were affected. Europol later said the raids took place in three countries.

During the last Tour of France, Bahrain-Victorious’s hotel rooms in the Pyrenees were searched. Cell phones were also confiscated, according to drivers. A result of the investigation is apparently still pending. So far, no official investigation has been initiated against any driver, nor have any bans been imposed. Bahrain-Victorious had won the team classification and three stages on the previous tour.
