Cycling to work increasingly popular | News item

News item | 08-03-2023 | 07:00

The Netherlands will be moving considerably more in 2022. The number of commuter journeys by car, bicycle and public transport has increased by more than 7.5 million per week compared to 2021. But working from home also remains popular. This is evident from the National Travelers’ Survey, which is being published today by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management. Striking findings from this study are also that traffic congestion on the highways is considerably lower than before corona. In addition, cycling to work is becoming increasingly popular, its use has increased more than the use of the car.

On average, more than 7.5 million more journeys per week were made in 2022 than in 2021, a year that was partly marked by corona. In relative terms, the use of bicycles (increase of over 17%) increased more than car use (increase of over 14%). You can see the effect of the lifting of the corona measures in public transport, the use of which increased by almost 30%. Working from home appears to have remained a fixed part of the working week. On average, people worked from home 1.1 days a week in 2022. That is lower than in 2021, but still more than before corona.

Ride a bike in the elevator

The number of bicycle rides to work will increase by more than 2 million per working week by 2022. Research shows that people choose the bicycle because of the convenience and the effect on health. People are increasingly choosing the bicycle for short journeys. Four out of ten journeys of up to 7.5 kilometers are now completed by bicycle, which is more than in previous years. Employers play an important role. No less than one in three cyclists to work indicate that good bicycle parking at work and a bicycle allowance for commuter traffic are important to them when choosing to take the bicycle to work.

State Secretary Heijnen (Infrastructure and Water Management): “The bicycle is on the rise, more and more people are cycling to work. That is good news, both for our health and for traffic on the road. Once again it appears that employers hold the key to making cycling attractive. Safe parking facilities, refreshment facilities at work and a good kilometer allowance for the bicycle. These measures work and pay for themselves twice over. Both for the employer, the employee and for us as a society”.

Car indispensable

In 2022, the number of car journeys to and from work will increase by about four million per week. As a result, traffic on the highway was only 1% below that before corona. It is striking that the traffic jam pressure is considerably lower than before corona, there were 20% fewer traffic jams last year than in 2019. In addition, the research shows that the car is simply a favorite for many people. An important reason people give for this is that they do not want or cannot use alternatives, such as the bicycle or public transport.

Minister Harbers (Infrastructure and Water Management): “For many people, the car is a loyal friend that is always there for them. With the car you can take the whole family with you, your heavy groceries and you can easily get to your workplace or with your family outside the city. Many people cannot live without a car. You can see that in the popularity figures. It is nice to see that many people have continued to work from home or are on the road at times outside rush hours. That is something to hold on to, because outside the rush hour it is wonderful to drive on. And every car outside rush hours saves traffic jams during rush hours.”

National Traveler Survey

Since 2019, the National Traveler Survey has been conducted annually by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management to gain insight into commuter traffic. The basis for the research is a representative sample of approximately 13,000 respondents. Each year is measured in the third week of October, so that the results per year are comparable. It The full study published today with the figures for 2022 can be read here.
