Cycling through “the heart of France”: father and daughter break record for largest Strava drawing with giant heart of 2,156 (!) kilometers | Abroad

The record for the largest Strava drawing ever has been officially broken. The French Frédéric and Mathilde de Lanouvelle, father and daughter, cycled no less than 2,156 kilometers through France together and made the largest GPS drawing … in the shape of a gigantic heart.


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Strava, France Bleu, Le Pèlerin

2,156 kilometers: that is the distance that Frédéric and Mathilde covered together. The father and his 16-year-old daughter spent a lot of quality time before the trip. They spent no less than 117 hours, 25 minutes and 34 seconds on a tandem. And the result is impressive: with their gigantic hearts, the two have now broken the Guinness World Record for the largest GPS drawing on the sports app Strava.

The choice for the heart is not accidental. In this way, the cycling duo wants to draw attention to the ‘Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque Enfants du Monde’, a French organization that helps children with heart conditions from third world countries. In fact, father and daughter started an online fundraising campaign, which raised a total of 26,825 euros for the organization.

© Strava

“Fantastic atmosphere”

The bond between Frédéric and Mathilde has only become stronger, the proud father tells the French press. “During this tough effort and challenge there was a fantastic atmosphere among us. We laughed a lot, but also shared a lot with each other,” says Frédéric.

The Strava record will remain in France for the time being, because the previous record holders also had French nationality. Last March, the four cycling friends managed to complete a route of 1,025 kilometers in the shape of a dinosaur.

Also read:

Four French friends cycle together the largest Strava drawing ever: a dinosaur of 1,025 kilometers

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