Cycling in the footsteps of Chantal and the sheriff

Cycling in the footsteps of Chantal and the sheriff

In Lo-Reninge and Alveringem, the recordings of Chantal, a spin-off of Eigen Kweek, have taken place in the past two years. The series is set in the fictional village of Loveringem and revolves around inspector Chantal Vantomme and sheriff Cloedt, played by Maaike Cafmeyer and Dries Heyneman. A second series of Chantal has already been recorded and there are also plans for a third and fourth season.

The tourist services of Lo-Reninge and Alveringem, together with Tourism Westhoek, have now mapped out a Loveringem cycle route of 45 km along 20 film locations and 15 places of interest in both municipalities, such as the administrative center on the Markt in Lo (which serves as a police station), the lock complex on the Fintele in Pollinkhove and the bar Tabac ‘De Miserie’ in Beveren aan de Yser (see photo).
