Cycling holidays: the health benefits – iO Donna

vbike holidays? If the idea is tantalizing, there are many good reasons to let yourself be tempted. As long as you respect some rules.

It is in fact now known as cycling is a panacea for the bodyas well as a valid strategy to prevent the risk of various diseases. Therefore, whether it is a question of using the bicycle, daily, as a means of transportation to get to the office or whether to focus on pedaling as a sports trainingEven on holiday, two-wheelers represent an excellent solution, suitable for all ages and (almost) all starting conditions.

What are the greater benefits? And which rules, however, it is essential to respect in the summer to ride safely?

We asked the doctor Marco Conti, Specialist in Sports Medicine and PhD in Human Physiology at Humanitas Medical Care.

The benefits of the bike

«Cycling is extremely healthy for our body, below more points of view – explains Dr. Conti. – The first is that cardiovascular since it is a primarily aerobic exercise which, if properly regulated and managed, can range from below/very low cardiovascular and respiratory effort, until to exercise with high/very high cardiovascular effort and respiratory, being able therefore be practiced at all ages and in (almost) all physical conditions».

On the bike, legs and glutes trained

«The second important aspect is that pedaling implies a good engagement of the lower limbs and buttocks without too many traumas typical of other sports that mainly involve the lower limbs, such as for example race – continues the expert. So they can be avoided impact injuries, sprained ankles, overloaded knees or spinal injuries. Even more if you use them bicycles with rear shock absorber».

Sport and mental health: 15 minutes a day is enough to feel good

The back is also involved

And if pedaling allows you to work calves, quads, thighs and glutes it should not be forgotten that the back can also benefit from this exercise.

“This sport it was not born to train the back however it must be considered that pedaling involves the muscles, especially the lower backespecially if you practice mountain bikes – underlines Dr. Conti. – In this case attention must be paid to a correct position on the bike, for avoid “postural” overload to the lower back muscles, not to be confused with training fatigue».

A ride to keep fit

What is often asked is if cycling can also be a valid workout for burning fat and calories. And if so, which ones criteria must be respected.

«As I said, it is an eminently aerobic sport – specifies the expert. – This means that, if the entity of the effort respects certain parameters, the involved musculature draws on metabolic processes which essentially burn fat in combination with oxygen. From this point of view, naturally with a view to based weight loss on a low-calorie dietthe bike is therefore one great sport for burning fat».

How to lose weight with the bike

«To burn fat by cycling, the basic requirement is to respect sessions of at least 30 minutes and with heart intensity between 50-75% of HR max (Maximum heart rate). This is calculated empirically by subtracting your age from 220. So, for example, for a 60-year-old person, HR max will be 160, with a cardiovascular training range of between 80 and 165 beats per minute. L’use of a wrist heart rate monitorit is essential if you want to carry out this type of training correctly» – underlines the expert.

How to turn cycling into a real workout

To be able to speak of a true bike training, then there are other criteria to be respected.

«Starting from the abilities and training status of each of us, from the means available and from the routes available around us, the smartest training system is to make routes that, day by day, may become longer and longer. Always remembering to turn the bike when you feel you still have enough energy to return – suggests the physiatrist. – And holding the heart rate always within 85% maximum 90%limited to the points of greatest effort to then ‘slip’ for the rest of the route with frequencies below the aforementioned ceiling. The workouts then, to be effective, must be performed every other day and to avoid functional overload and not to go beyond the “memory” of our muscles for the training effort. By doing so, we will discover that with each workout we will make less and less effort and we will be able to lengthen the journey a little each time, obtaining extreme satisfaction from it».

Cycling: it’s good for any age

As we said, among the advantages of the bike there is also that of being a exercise suitable for all ages.

«Of course, as the years progress, it is easy note the need to adjust both the intensity of the effort and the length of the route, so as not to find yourself with “empty legs” when you are perhaps still far from home – underlines Dr. Conti. – If that happens, it’s good take a break, refresh yourself with non-cold and slightly sugary liquids and with little and light food».

Before a cycling holiday, a stress test is better

Cycling holidays have been a trend for a few years now and there are more and more places to go (Getty)

To move in complete safety, then, before tackling a cycling holiday it is advisable to undergo the appropriate checks.

“It’s important carry out a cardiovascular functional assessment, i.e. a “stress test”, aimed at determining the heart rates actually reachable in total safety for our “heart-lung-muscle machine” – suggests the expert. – This step is mandatory for those suffering from pathologies such as arterial hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias, previous stent or bypass surgery, significant overweight but also diabetes. Indeed, in these cases, if it is true that low-intensity aerobic exercise, such as cycling, can be therapeutic it must be equally clear that it must be the cardiologist to establish whether and to what extent this exercise can be suitable. It is good to know that in these cases, you can practice cycling in total autonomy can expose you to serious risks».

Cycling in the summer: useful tips

Finally, it is good to keep in mind that there are rules to be respected to make the most of the benefits of cycling even on holiday.

«In summer, the practice of cycling attracts many people but particular attention must be paid to some aspects – concludes Dr. Conti. – As cover the head and the neck, adopt an accurate skin protection with appropriate creams or with light anti-UV clothing. Hydrate a lot and very frequently with non-cold drinks, slightly sugary and not with salt concentrates (it is better to dilute the typical “energy-saline” drinks at 50%). And then try to leave and return early in the coolest hours and if the planned tour is longer, make a prolonged stop during the hottest hours. As well as choose less demanding routes, with fewer climbs in the sun and favor shady routes. Without forgetting that, if the day is very hot or muggy, it is advisable to lower the amount of effort and the relative heart rates. Basically, the advice is to always adopt a little common sense because it doesn’t take much to turn a nice holiday or a nice trip into a bad memory».

