Cycling, Expo-E is born: the Giro d’Italia launches the traveling fair on sustainable mobility

The village will be set up in 4 cities: Catania, Naples, Turin and Verona. The platform will tell about the new horizons and will promote it by creating a contact between companies and the public

Sustainable mobility alongside the Giro d’Italia. With this assumption, Expo-E was born, a traveling fair, which will go back to Italy following the path of the Giro d’Italia and addressing the same public. A platform developed by Rcs Sport, organizer of the Corsa Rosa, in collaboration with Confindustria ANCMA (National Association of Cycle Motorcycle Accessories).

In 4 cities

The village will be set up in 4 cities: Catania (Piazza Duomo and Piazza Università, 8-9-10 May), Naples (Mostra d’Oltremare, 14 and 15 May), Turin (Parco del Valentino, 21 and 22 May) and Verona (Verona Fair, 28 and 29 May). The platform will talk about the new horizons of sustainable mobility and will promote it by creating a contact between companies and the public, who will be able to attend in-depth talks, see and test the products that make two-wheelers, electric-powered but not only, one of the pillars of tomorrow’s mobility. There will be an exhibition area and a test area.
