Cycle tourism days, the initiatives of 10-11 June 2023

Pcycle touring association. The trend winks at the environment, pleases the economy and promises to drag everything down tourism sector in Italy, so much so that it also becomes the main reason for choosing one destination over another. In the next summer holidays, it is estimated that a population of no less than 4 million Italians will have, like travel companion, the bicycle, owned or leased (Source: Confcommercio-Swg). To celebrate the trend, and inaugurate the season, AB (Italian Environment and Bicycle Federation) and ActiveItaly (network of Italian Tour Operators involved in active and sustainable tourism) are jointly organizing National Cycle Touring Days discovering the Italian territory by bike.

National Cycle Touring Days, 10-11 June 2023

During the month of June and especially in weekend of 10-11 June many will be organized two-wheeled initiativesat different levels of difficulty (here all the events). Opportunities to spread and try out a mode of sustainable tourism, respectful of the environmentwhich has large private and public health benefitsin addition to allowing a considerable CO2 savings by eliminating fuel consumption.

Cycling tourism, to keep fit even on vacation

Among the most appreciated aspects of this passion on the rise, for 61% there is the privilege of being immersed in nature and, almost equally (50%) the possibility of stay fit even on vacation. This is what emerges from the Doxa research “Bresaola della Valtellina PGI, icon of the territory and driver of cycle tourism in the valley”. The research was commissioned by the Consorzio di Tutela Bresaola della Valtellina, which has long been focusing on the cycling tourism vocation of the area.

Why also tourism on two wheels pleases gastronomically, especially if, as happens in Valtellina, it can focus on a product that is also digestible, practical, protein-rich and very suitable for sportsmen. From here the mini-guide “A Tutto Gusto”: 10 stages on two wheels for 10 stops in the RistoBike participating in the circuits.

The magic of Lignano by bike: ten things to do absolutely

The events for Cycle Tourism Days, from Milan to Etna, from Lake Maggiore to the Crete Senesi

The events organized on the occasion of the Cycle Tourism Days range throughout Italy and have different degrees of difficulty.

It starts from the itinerary at the foot of the Alps which connects the Piedmontese side of the Lake Maggiorenear Verbania, in the historic fortified village of Vogogna, at the evening bike ride along the Castellaro cycle pathfrom the Gate on the Sea of Civitanova Marche.

From the path it gives Illasi leads to Vicenzabetween valleys and castles, alla circular pedaling in the Crete Senesi on mostly dirt roads.

From the itinerary Hug mearound Milanbetween parks, secondary roads, cycle paths and ordinary roads to bicycle rides to the cycle-tourist route which from the former station of Regalbut (Enna), skirting the lake of Pozzillo among the eucalyptus trees, arrives at Agirafor an unmissable tasting of “cassatelline”… with a view of Etna.

