Cybersecurity: protect numbers, name, face and fingerprints

This January 28 marks the International Day of Personal Data Protection, in order to become aware of the treatment that is made of them and the importance of protecting them. But it also warns about the importance of protecting, promoting and disseminating the right to privacy.

This day was proclaimed in 2006 by the European Union in tribute to the signing of Convention 108 of 1981. In which the European Council set foot for the first time in the field of protection of people versus automatic processing of individual data. Standard that was regulated for the last time in 2018, and that brought with it the modification of legislation around the world.

It is true that entering personal data into computer systems is often the way to verify our existence. Our digital identity, with name, surname and DNI, telephone number and cards, we usually make available voluntarily or involuntarily on the network. But also the movements between accounts, the sessions on social networks, what we buy and what we look at, and where we browse. Our face and footprint online, all that information that we provide on the web is within reach of cybercriminals.

The professionalization of attacks, and its constant updating register, according to various studies, 304.7 million ransomware attack attempts worldwide during the first half of 2021. Approximately all of what happened in all of 2020. The World Bank, for its part, estimates that this year the annual traffic on the web will increase by approximately one 50% compared to 2020. For reference, this equates to 4.8 zettabytes: if stored on DVD, this amount would circle the Earth six times.

In Argentina, only in 2020, the Fiscal Unit Specialized in Cybercrime (UFECI) registered a rise from 70% of computer crimes, which is equivalent to all crimes committed in the 5 years prior to the pandemic. That’s why for minimize risks We must be vigilant and learn to detect them, paying attention to messages with links that arrive either through social networks, instant messaging, a phone call or even an e-mail.

Check reputation of the seller in online shopping is essential. As well as operating through secure connections (even improving the home network itself). Enable extra authentication factors in addition to the password and avoid re-entering card data if the system reports failures.

In Argentina, the Personal Data Protection Law governs protect people so that your data is not used without your consent. It obliges, among other things, to request consent to locate them in public and private databases, update them, delete them or keep them confidential.

And in 2020 a project was proposed to update it on key points: include concepts such as “genetic data” Y “biometric data”; the right to oppose or restrict the processing of personal data and the right to portability; oblige government agencies to appoint a data Protection Officer, and increase the amounts of sanctions.

Without a doubt, the actions of governments and the tools they develop to protect the digital identity of citizens will be a fundamental link. But they also require measures that align all sectors, have digital education and awareness programs that are free and federal. Raise awareness, train, protect and accompany, because the virtual also requires the creation of a culture dedicated to its protection.

By Hernan Carrascal
Enterprise Director Andean & New Markets of VU.
Specialist in cybersecurity and fraud prevention.

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