Cut a piece of Quinty’s hair at a party in 013: “This is really sick”

What should have been a fun night out in Tilburg ended in great sadness for Quinty Bakker (19). When she came home from a party at Poppodium 013, one of her friends discovered that a piece of her hair had been cut off. “I am devastated. My hair is my everything, that’s what I was most proud of,” says Quinty.

She and her friends arrived at 013 on Saturday evening around seven o’clock, where a hardstyle party was going on at the time. The party lasted all night, but Quinty soon had enough of the music. She decided to head for the exit at ten and continue the evening at a friend’s house.

“If I find out who did this, I’ll put clippers in the middle of his crown.”

“I took off my coat, turned around and my girlfriend said that a piece of my hair had come off,” says Quinty. She didn’t understand what her friend meant at first and asked to take a picture. “When I saw it, I completely freaked out. I thought: no this is not possible, I want this to be a dream.”

The Tilburg woman has long thick hair and therefore probably did not feel that the scissors were being used. When she got home, her mother Miranda was also furious. “I know how proud my child is of her long hair. If twenty centimeters are just cut off, that is really sick. If I find out who is responsible for this, I will put a clipper in the middle of his crown.”

“Now it’s hair, but for the same money it’s stabbed with those scissors.”

Quinty and her mother have reported this to the police. Miranda also emailed Poppodium 013 asking if there are any camera images. According to the organization, however, it is looking for a needle in a haystack, because there were 3700 people at the party, there are fifteen cameras and Quinty does not know when it happened.

Her mother has also asked the organization whether there are sufficient body searches. “They responded that this is done on a random basis,” says Miranda. “I was flabbergasted. So you can just take everything inside. Now it’s hair, but for the same money it’s stabbed with those scissors.”

“You can never frisk everything and everyone.”

013 director Frens Frijns is stunned when he hears what has happened and says he finds it very annoying. Tightening security is not an option, he says. “We already check very well, especially at those kinds of parties. But at times when it is busy at the door, the check is sometimes less good, says Frijns. “You can never search everything and everyone, that is also not if you go going to a pub.”

Quinty has now had her hair cut back to one length. “I still can’t believe it’s so short now. I don’t even want to stand in front of the mirror anymore,” says Quinty sadly. “I know it will grow back, but it will take a while. And now I have a completely different face.”
