Customs celebrates 425th anniversary | news item

News item | 14-06-2022 | 14:30

Dutch Customs celebrates its 425th anniversary today. The king is present at the celebration in the theater Hangaar in Katwijk. During the celebration, Customs reflects on its rich history and the innovations of today that are characteristic of its working method.

On the occasion of the jubilee, the king awarded a banner to the customs authorities. A banner, also called an honor cloth, is the highest form of recognition for an organization by the royal family. Nanette van Schelven, Director General of Customs, is proud of the customs banner:

“For hundreds of years, customs officers have been committed to protecting our country with heart and soul. A banner as a symbol of the connection with Dutch society is appropriate in this regard.”

The Director-General of Customs receives the banner from State Secretary Aukje de Vries of Finance – Allowances and Customs. The State Secretary emphasizes the importance of Customs for Dutch society.

“Whether it concerns enforcing sanctions against Russia, efficiently processing the flow of goods or tackling subversive crime: Customs has been indispensable to the Netherlands for 425 years,” says De Vries. “Customs is and remains an important and innovative player on the world stage that, despite its advanced age, is well prepared for the challenges of the future.”

For more information you can contact the Customs press officers
