“Customs and Travel” app provides information on allowances and import bans

Those who buy souvenirs and other goods on holiday bring them back to their home country at the end of the holiday. But the customs regulations are complicated and questions quickly arise as to what is actually allowed. The “Customs and Travel” app gives travelers an overview.

Cheap alcohol, beautiful handicrafts, clothes and then a new watch or a new smartphone. Anyone who went shopping on holiday abroad should find out before returning home whether they may have to declare some of their souvenirs or whether they may not be allowed to import certain items and goods into Germany. The official customs app helps with this.

Customs app provides information about allowances and prohibited goods

Customs controls the movement of goods at the border in order to protect travel souvenirs, e.g. B. to examine protected animal species or plagiarism. If such goods are imported anyway, they are confiscated by customs during an inspection – the branded jeans plagiarism as well as protected cultural assets. Imported goods are also subject to certain allowances; if these are exceeded, additional taxes and fees are due. So that you don’t end up paying more at customs and bargains turn into the exact opposite, it’s worth finding out before you buy abroad whether duties are due on the goods in question. The app “Customs and Travel” (iOS and Android) of the Federal Ministry of Finance.

In the customs app, users enter the country they are coming from and what they want to bring with them. Then they will find out everything about possible allowances, bans, tax exemptions or just how much they have to or would have to pay because of import duties.

Also interesting: Import regulations for goods from abroad

Don’t get confused: The classics alcohol and tobacco are always at the beginning of the entry in the app. After that, it’s also about all sorts of other goods and goods.

The tax calculator is also used as a desktop version offered by customs. This means that the functions of the customs app are also available without an installation on the smartphone.

With material from the dpa
