Customized companies also feel the energy crisis | Focus and WTV

Customized companies are also feeling the energy crisis

Tim Vannieuwenhuyse, Waak: “Waak is actually a company just like any other, in any case we will have to pass on the rising costs to our customers.”

But as a customized company, they also consciously want to fulfill their role as employer. It helps them to apply for certain premiums. This often has to be digital, and some have a hard time with that. “For example, an oil premium, that seems simple, but it is often complex for our employees. Applying for a job bonus must be done digitally, we do that for them, so that they actually receive the money from the government to which they are entitled.” (read more below the photo)

In the meantime, Waak is also doing the exercise: investing in economical light, looking at where heat can still be recovered and checking which investment can wait. “We have to accept that part of the cost will be borne by the families, by the companies. It will not all come from the government. But I hope there is a sense of emergency, that the government sees what we already have. do, and make it a pillar to make it bearable.”

The prospects here are -as everywhere- now somewhat uncertain, but at the moment production at Waak is still running at full speed.
