Few, very few, veterans of the place can cough at Ángel Custodio Dalmau Salmons, better known as Custo Barcelona (Tremp; Lleida, 1959). In 1997 he first stepped onto the catwalk of the then emerging New York Fashion Week (NYFW), which was beginning to stand out against established events such as Paris and Milan. That time he was the only European invited by the organization to share space with 39 other North American firms that laid the foundations for what is today an unmissable event for the entire fashion industry.

That historic parade and the page that the ‘New York Times’ dedicated to ‘customanía’ They marked the destiny of the firm forever. “There are very few of us who have been presenting uninterruptedly at NYFW for 26 years. Some established Americans may surpass us, but in reality foreigners we are the only ones“Proudly explains the designer, who has a 43-year career behind him, and marking fashion with a style that is easy to recognize around the world.

From last Thursday until this Wednesday, the most recent creations from famous brands such as Ralph Lauren or Marc Jacobs, and new and promising designers, are presented to buyers, the press, celebrities and ‘influencers’ and the general public in the Big Apple, the event that marks the beginning of the international catwalk circuit. And Custo could not miss his fetish catwalk, in which he has walked for the 52nd time.

Game of seduction

This occasion has presented ‘Object of desire’your new proposal for next spring-summer “with emotional pieces that awaken desire in women”, comment. The chosen location was the Canoe Studios, a spacious and bright ‘loft’ above the Hudson River. “We have used more resources than in the last edition and we have completely filled out,” the creator says euphorically.

Once again Custo has filled the North American catwalk with color with the daring and enthusiastic proposals for ‘Object of Desire’, a work that the creator has carried out to “provoke the seduction of the woman who lives her style and wants to project it.” And as always, with the desire to “surprise and convince”, leitmotiv in Custo’s career. “In our firm we always aim for emotion, because we understand that it is the lever that moves women who seek to stand out and differentiate themselves.”

Sensual kaftans

In total, 50 proposals have been presented, where the dresses have been the star piece. From long to mini, fitted or fluid. As a surprise piece, the sensual kaftans.

As for the color palette, for the next season Custo Barcelona is committed to the Fuchsia, turquoise, orange united by white and the different intensities of brightness.

“For an empowered woman”

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Dresses with slits, asymmetries and architectural designs, oversized pants, and miniskirts in combination with experimental ‘tops’, and swimsuits (swimsuits and bikinis), “for an empowered and self-confident woman”insists the designer, who highlights in his new collection “the technical materials fused with natural fabrics such as silk and cotton, as well as the delicate patterning of the collars of kaftans and dresses.”

A proposal that may be expanded with 15 more proposals “and some new style twist,” Custo anticipates, next Friday, September 15, at the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in Madrid.
