Curling on the beach of Paviljoen Nijstad in the summer? Beach Curling Hoogeveen is a new event from Rotary Hoogeveen

Curling, when it comes to this sport, everyone immediately thinks of cold, ice and winter. But in Hoogeveen they are doing things differently this year. In the last week of May, Rotary Hoogeveen will start with a new event Beach Curling Hoogeveen.

There will be no stroll this year. Together with the smartest company in Hoogeveen, Rotary Hoogeveen has been using this event for years as a fundraising source for charities. For example, last year money was raised for Rock & Water training for groups 8 of Hoogeveen primary schools.

Curling for companies

Because the Kuiertocht will not take place this year, it was time for the organization to get back to the drawing board. “We thought about it for a long time and finally came up with the idea of ​​curling in a fun way.”

A plastic curling rink of 200 square meters will be installed on the beach at Pavilion Nijstad in May, where teams will play in teams of four for a contribution of 400 euros.

“We also thought it would be fun to organize something in the summer. This is where Beach Curling Hoogeveen has been rolled out,” says Robert Ottes of Rotary Hoogeveen. “Of course, the event is open to anyone who wants to register, but we mainly focus on companies that are looking for a fun outing with their staff in the period just before the summer holidays.”

Food, drinks and music

Twelve different teams will compete against each other every evening from May 27 to 31. At the end of each evening there is one winner “It is a competition for the teams, but around the curling rink we will provide fun with a number of tents, music and a chef who prepares live barbecue snacks for the participants and we will ensure that it is will also be a fun event for the public. The location on the beach is of course great by definition.”

Present Hoogeveen Foundation

Rotary Hoogeveen finds it “exciting” to start a new event. “You never know how people will react and curling in the summer is not something anyone thinks about 1,2,3,” laughs Ottes. But registrations are now pouring in.

The charity they want to provide with a sum of money this year is the Present Hoogeveen Foundation. “This is a national foundation that is active in 135 municipalities in the Netherlands, including Hoogeveen. This foundation connects people who need help with people who can provide it. Present is about ‘looking after each other’ and that fits with our beliefs as a Rotary club and we would like to support it financially,” says Ottes.

Skating for primary schools

The curling competition takes place in the evening and there is room for a different activity during the day. To give something back to the Hoogeveen community, primary schools in Hoogeveen are allowed to come and skate. “In the coming period we will send letters to primary schools with information. We make the skates available, but we only have limited space, so we apply the ‘full is full’ principle. “I think it is a very nice initiative for primary school children.”

You can register for Beach Curling Hoogeveen via
