Curfew rioter gets six months in prison instead of two weeks

A man from Gouda has to go to jail for six months for his part in the curfew riots in Eindhoven last January. The court in Den Bosch has determined this on Tuesday. That is much heavier than the two weeks in prison that the court had previously imposed on him. Justice had appealed against this.

The 36-year-old man was on trial for public violence, sedition and theft. The verdict shows that the man stole a flashlight, but not that he actually used violence.

He is, however, heavily charged that he deliberately sought out people who, for example, threw stones, who stood triumphant next to a burning ProRail car or who used hurtful texts in the direction of police officers.

According to the court, it has also been proven that he made sixteen films with his telephone and that he always responded positively to rioters who behaved violently. At one point, while he was portraying yet another fire, he said: “That’s what you get when you take the people’s freedom, boy.”

At the beginning of last year, the cabinet announced a curfew to prevent the further spread of the corona virus. Protests against the decision degenerated into violent riots in Eindhoven on 24 January. A day later things got out of hand in Den Bosch. Dozens of people have already been convicted of the disturbances.


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