Cups on the field at FC Utrecht – RKC, but game is still over

The competition match between FC Utrecht and RKC Waalwijk was halted deep in injury time of the second half on Saturday, after cups were thrown onto the field from the stands twice. According to the rules of the KNVB, the match will then be stopped. By order of the mayor of Utrecht, Sharon Dijksma, the game was played anyway.

But ‘playing the game’ is actually too much: captains Nick Viergever (FC Utrecht) and Michiel Kramer (RKC Waalwijk) agreed that both teams, as a statement to the cup throwers, would not really play football anymore.

After the restart, the ball went to keeper Etienne Vaessen of RKC and he kept the ball with him for the remaining time. When the injury time was completely over, referee Ingmar Oostrom collected the ball from the goalkeeper and whistled for the end of the game.

Cups after goals from Utrecht
It went wrong both times after a goal from FC Utrecht. When striker Anastasios Douvikas opened the score after an hour of play, fans of Utrecht threw several cups towards the field when celebrating the goal. Substitute Zakaria Labyad made it 2-0 in injury time. Also then a drinking cup ended up on the field.

There was no football in the Galgenwaard for a while;  this announcement was shown on the screens (photo: ANP).
There was no football in the Galgenwaard for a while; this announcement was shown on the screens (photo: ANP).

The KNVB recently tightened the guidelines after several incidents in stadiums. When throwing objects on the field, the game is temporarily stopped. In the case of a second offense, the duel will be permanently stopped according to the new guidelines.

At FC Utrecht – RKC the extra playing time in the second half was 5 minutes. Of those, 3 had passed when referee Oostrom stopped the game.

The match ended 2-0 in favor of the home side.

NAC – Willem II stopped
Last month, the league match between NAC Breda and Willem II was stopped after beer and fireworks were thrown on the field. The remaining playing time of this duel for the Kitchen Champion Division was made up on a weekday without an audience.

READ ALSO: ‘Football a bit destroyed, 19,000 people behave’
