Cultural foundation finds no new home and stops | 1Limburg

The Franz Pfanner House Foundation from Arcen has stopped the search for a new building now that an affordable and suitable alternative cannot be found in Venlo. As of 2023, the organization has to move from the place from which it derives its name at the Klein Vink holiday park in Arcen.

“Whether there will be a new Franz Pfanner House? The future will tell,” says the foundation.

committee members
In addition to not being able to find an affordable alternative, the Franz Pfanner House Foundation has announced that some members with a long track record have canceled their membership of the exhibition committee. “Unfortunately, their succession cannot be foreseen.”

Also read: Cultural foundation must move away from place that bears her name

Due to the decision, the foundation will no longer hold exhibitions from the new year. It is the intention that concerts and other activities such as meditation meetings will be held in 2023. Suitable locations are sought for this. Among other things, the chapel of St. Paul on the Mariannhilldreef is being considered.

The owner of the holiday park, Roompot, announced in October 2021 that the cultural institution must move in 2023. The foundation was allowed to use the former convent chapel of the mission congregation, the Franz Pfanner House, as long as missionaries from St. Paul still live on the property. Although there are still a few missionaries of advanced age present, Roompot let it be known that for it the added value no longer outweighs the costs. The organization wants to use the location itself.

‘Location with story’
After the announcement of Roompot, the foundation was looking for a new ‘authentic location with a story’ in the municipality of Venlo. Three to four exhibitions a year should be held there. Although the search for a new home did not go well, the Roompot foundation says it is grateful for ‘the years of support in kind and in money’.

For the time being, the foundation is still waiting to see whether the chapel of St. Paul will be repurposed. “After all, the foundation is named after the founder of the congregation and its origin is closely connected with St. Paul and the Klein Vink area.”
