Culotte de cheval, what they are, treatments, liposculpture

Land so-called Culotte de Cheval are among the most persistent localized adiposities: ifeed her on drastic diets, often ineffective in this area. Sometimes, even sport doesn’t seem to be enough. What to do?

Fiorella Donatisurgeon specializing in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, and head of the Donati Clinic explains how solve these imperfections with theto liposculpturea definitive solution to remove fat cells once and for all.

Culotte de cheval, how to reduce them: why doesn’t the diet always work?

“The localized adiposities, including culott de cheval, often do not disappear with the dietIndeed: the more you lose weight, the more evident they are because the rest of the body thins, while these accumulations remain unchanged »says the expert.

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«It has happened more than once to receive mothers, worried about the health of their daughters, who are inclined to subject them to liposculpture. In fact, in order to make the “cushions” at the root of the thighs disappear, the so-called “culotte de cheval” had slipped, without realizing it, into a form of eating disorder»Explains Dr. Donati.

Culotte de Cheval, one of the most “hostile” areas to be treated

But let’s analyze what these “Culotte de Cheval” really are: «it’s about adiposity located laterally at the root of the thighs ».

“The fat cells are genetically determined as a number at birth. When the individual’s growth is complete, the fat cells only increase in volume and fat is stored in them. Their final size depends on this, “explains the doctor.

Liposculpture, the definitive solution to the culotte de cheval

“THE fat pads can only be permanently treated with liposculpture. The fat cells are removed and the residual ones do not have the ability to multiply ».

How does it work? “The suction of the fat affects not only the real culottes, but the whole thigh area, thus maintaining that sinuosity typical of the female body. If the patient gained weight, she would certainly gain weight elsewhere, but very little at the level of the treated areas. Of course, liposculpture is not an alternative to a balanced diet and lifestyle ».

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“They use some very small diameter cannulas, about 2-3 millimeters, which suck the fat pads. The cannulas, being very thin, respect the blood vessels and nerves. The pads are aspirated both deeply and superficially, just under the dermis, thus making the most of the skin’s retraction capacity ».

Times and ways of recovery

«Liposculpture is performed below local anesthesia. The duration of the intervention varies from half an hour to a few hours depending on the areas concerned. You can go home already in the evening and the stitches will be removed after 7-9 days ».

In addition, «a treatment with painkillers for the first 3-6 daysie the swelling progressively decreases in the following 2-3 weeks ».

«It is necessary to take into account the presence of bruising from two to ten days and it will be necessary to wear an elastic sheath for about three weeks. The results? The first visible after a month, complete after 3-6 months »concludes the expert.

