Cuba cancels Labor Day parade due to fuel shortages | Abroad

Due to fuel shortages, the Cuban capital Havana will not hold a traditional Labor Day parade on May 1. The party will be all about maximum economy, the state trade union CTC said.

Instead of the usual parade on Revolution Square, an event will take place on Malecon, the capital’s main boulevard. That place is easier to reach on foot for the residents of the capital.

Queues have been even longer than usual at Cuban gas stations lately. The government says import problems have caused the shortage. Food, medicines and water have also become scarce. There are also regular power cuts in the summer months.

Difficult economic situation

The difficult economic situation in Cuba is partly a result of the ongoing US sanctions against the country. In addition, income from tourism fell due to the corona crisis. The country also suffers from massive emigration.

Since the 1959 revolution, Labor Day has been one of the most important holidays in Cuba. Hundreds of thousands of people normally flock to Revolution Square. Former leader Fidel Castro, who died in 2016, gave long speeches there.

People queue for gas at a gas station in Havana. ©AFP
