Crystal therapy, the benefits of this ancient discipline

THEnfondono psychophysical well-being also acting on an emotional level, stimulate meditation and concentration, work on personal introspection. Stones and crystals have known powers since the dawn of time and are still very popular today: Victoria Beckham, for example, places them in certain areas of the backstage before each show while Adèle uses them to overcome stage anxiety. Not to mention that they are also ingredients of some skincare brands, such as Kora Organics by Miranda Kerr.

Crystal therapy, from ancient times to today

Crystal Therapy is a holistic practice that dates back to ancient times. There are many descriptions of this practice, some dating back to the times of the ancient Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians and Persians. There are also traces in the Chinese tradition up to the classical world, which has handed down to us various philosophical and alchemical testimonieslike in Naturalis Historia by Pliny the Elder or in De Lapidibusthe first treatise on the use of the crystals of Theophrastus of Heresus. The use of some stones and crystals to regain well-being and balance has always been inherent in man” explains Francesca Maffeo, Naturopath expert in Women’s Wellness and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Not surprisingly, this practice was also mentioned during the Middle Ages, in particular in the treatise Physicawhere the healing properties of crystals and stones for the body and spirit are mentioned. And today there are many shops around the world that specialize in this holistic therapyhow Spellbound Sky in Santa Monica, one of Cara Delevingne’s favorites.

How to approach crystal therapy

But, perhaps it is better to start from the beginning: what is crystal therapy used for? «Like all holistic techniques, Crystal Therapy it helps to maintain or restore the balance of the person who, due to external or internal causes, can lose. In this way, improvement goals and physical, emotional, mental and spiritual rebalancing are achieved ”explains the expert. The crystal is in fact a catalyst and acts by harmonizing body, mind and spirit, also initiating self-healing processesthe so-called vix medicatrix naturae of Hippocrates according to which organisms contain in themselves innate powers of self-healing, as Maffeo explains.

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Therefore, every moment is good to approach this practice “In our Western culture we are often used to taking care of ourselves when we are sick, when we feel pain or discomfort. Instead, it would be easier to start thinking about us even when we are already well, just for make sure we maintain our state of well-being for as long as possible“.

In practice, crystal therapy sessions

But how do crystal therapy sessions work? «During a session, especially if the first one, you start with a sort of cognitive meeting in which you face the reason why you want to start the journey with the person. Identified the cause, yes creates a relaxing environment through music and natural incense and the stones are placed for at least 15 minutes in specific points of the bodyfor example on the Chakras, on the energy points or on the meridians or those used for acupuncture.

The stone works by rebalancing the area to be treated. The sessions can also be mixed, crystal therapy and foot reflexology for example, carried out together to ensure maximum benefit to the client. In the end the person is extremely relaxed and relaxed and usually after 3-5 sessions the discomfort is significantly reduced ».

The relationship with the stones

A real relationship is therefore established with the stoneswhose energetic and healing potential increases if they stay in close contact with us.

This is why they are chosen according to everyone’s needs, “rose quartz is suitable for extremely sensitive people or delicate, for those who have had sufferings in love and find it hard to detach from the past, for those who have “closed” their heart after severe pain. L’hematite, on the other hand, works on the blood, helps its healing and pressureimproves the development of red blood cells and can help in case of mild anemia while citrine quartz stimulates personal ambition and stimulates creativity ».

“Always next to us, stones and crystals can be worn, in summer the two most used are for example turquoise and coral, or placed on the desk, bedside table or under the pillow, they can also be kept in the bag” explains the expert.

Their only drawback is that they need to be recharged because their energy can run out «In this case they need to be cleaned or refilled in a very simple and natural way, for example exposing them to sunlight for a minimum of one hour to a maximum of three, or exposed all night under the full moon»Concludes the expert.

