Crystal therapy: how to use crystals at home and in the office?

SIt happens very often that we feel “exhausted”, that we are always listless, having difficulty concentrating. It usually happens when you are very tired and your personal energy is at its lowest levels. In these cases, crystal therapy can be used: choose i Crystals to be placed in the most suitable areas of the house can be helpful when you feel tired and lacking energy.

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Crystal therapy, the power of crystals at home

Of ancient origins and known since the ancient Romans and Greeks, crystal therapy is a holistic practice that helps to regain psycho-emotional balance through the use of crystals and semi-precious stones: «Even in Italy everyone knows about crystal therapy, an ancient practice that uses the energetic properties of crystals and gems to promote physical, mental and emotional well-being. In fact, crystals have always been considered natural resources that can help restore balance to the body and energyas well as promoting healing” he explains Francesca Maffeo, Naturopath expert in female well-being and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Perhaps the most important benefit is the reduction of stress and anxiety: as the expert explains, the stones in fact act like gods powerful sedatives and help relax both the mind and body. The important fact of crystal therapy is the almost direct contact between the person and the crystals themselves: this closeness indeed fuels energetic and healing potential which increases the more we stay in close contact. For this reason, stones are also highly recommended at home.

Each room has its own stone: apply crystal therapy at home

“To decide Where to place crystals in your home, or work environment, it is important to consider the desired intent and energy. This is why it is important consult a naturopath or holistic expert explaining what your needs are. If for example, you want in general lower your stress level and increase tranquility, rose quartz, amethyst and blue agate are very suitable» explains the expert.

In general, therefore, crystals they must be positioned in strategic points of the house: «If you don’t have particular needs but want to have extra help from the energies of crystals, it is better to place them in passage points of the house such as the entrance, to indicate protection and welcome. However, if crystals have a purpose, it is important to consider the desired intent and energy before choosing and placing them in your home and office. For example, if you want to promote love and harmony in relationships, you can place a rose quartz crystal in the bedroom or relationship area such as the living room. For study, however, amethyst, blue topaz and amber are very suitable and help stimulate creativity and inspiration.».

Fluorite and sodalite, on the other hand, are perfect on the desk or in the officebut also close to where we usually read, because they stimulate memory and learning: «For this purpose, it is Moonstone is also very powerful which is considered a powerful energy amplifier and can be placed on your desk or work area to improve the productivity and mental clarity».

Crystal therapy for sleep

And for the bedroom? «An advantage of crystal therapy is that it acts on sleep, stimulating it. In this sense some crystals, such asamethyst or selenite, avangelite or smoky quartz they are known for their calming properties which they promote a deep and restful sleepand, as well as sometimes premonitory dreams. Then place these crystals on the nightstandaway from the cell phone or even under the pillow if you don’t have animals or small children at home, can promote quality sleep.”

One last piece of advice? «It is important to remember that crystals they need to be cleaned and recharged regularly to maintain their energy and their beneficial potential” concludes the expert.

