Cryptocurrency comparison 2022: which cryptocurrency to buy and which cryptocurrencies are the best?

Trade cryptocurrencies as CFD

If you think a cryptocurrency has promise, you can buy and trade it. You can buy cryptocurrencies either as CFD or as real coins. Both types of investment have their advantages and disadvantages, although not every type of investment is suitable for every type of investor.

With a CFD, you can easily participate in the performance of the cryptocurrency. you own no physical crypto coins, but still benefit from the price development. As the price increases, so does the value of your CFD. The purchase of CFDs is particularly cheap as it only involves a few fees. In addition, you do not need to open a wallet to trade CFDs. For more information, see our CFD trading guide.

Important: With a CFD you can use so-called leverage. With these you can participate in the course development by any multiplier. This increases your chance of winning, but you will also be more affected by falling prices. You can also buy unleveraged CFDs, which allow you to participate in the price at a 1:1 ratio.

Our recommendation: Due to the volatility of cryptocurrencies, only ever trade with money that you are not financially dependent on.

Product recommendation: For example, if you have decided to trade cryptocurrencies as a CFD, you can use the CFD broker Plus5005 use. Deposits can easily be made via Paypal or credit card, so you can start trading extra quickly.
