Crypto News: The 4 best coins for the 2023 crypto bull run

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A growing number of investors expect the Fed to cut interest rates this year. This could then trigger the next rally with an average delay of 6 months. Therefore, more and more people are asking about the best coins for the crypto bull run in 2023. Below is a selection of some of the best new crypto currencies that attracted particular attention right from the start. Read the article now so you don’t miss an exciting opportunity!

Ecoterra – Award-winning ESG start-up with an innovative business model

Tree with Ecoterra lettering

The award-winning ESG start-up Ecoterra offers a particularly unusual business model. Because it uses the advanced blockchain technology to fully at the service of environmental and climate protection. The project wants the provide urgently needed incentives and the inadequate infrastructure for even more efficient recycling. After all, too little has been done to date to adequately counteract the global waste problem with the low recycling rate. In this way, the environment, climate and humanity can be protected while at the same time through which Urban Mining turns the big problem into a gold mine. But it offers the unique Recycle-to-earn process that converts garbage into cryptocurrencies.

A matching one is also included Marketplace with the recycled materials to the offer of Ecoterra. On this, the recycling companies and producers exchange goods particularly quickly, securely and efficiently. Besides, there is one Trading venue for verified carbon emissions creditswith which the users their Reduce your carbon footprint quickly and easily can. Another element is the Revenue streams from $ECOTERRA, which flow through the feed-in of green electricity. All sustainable services can playfully pursued via the personal impact profile become. Milestones are rewarded with NFTs, which also represent marketing tools for sustainable companies.

Invest now early in the award-winning ESG coin!

DeeLance – Exceptional business ecosystem with advanced features


The further development of the Internet to Web3 is a significant step, because it makes it possible to experience the virtual world directly, instead of in front of a monitor. In this context novel features required, which not only revolutionize the entertainment sector. The business area that has been neglected by many projects so far also offers particularly attractive opportunities. Then With the help of the Metaverse, companies and employees can take their remote work connection and efficiency to the next level. In this context, DeeLance offers an assortment of possibilities, such as interactive learning environments, 3D presentations, teamwork, trade shows and more. In addition to external earning opportunities, users can also generate a wide variety of income in the Metaverse.

But the unique business ecosystem also includes a decentralized marketplace for freelancers. This uses the most advanced blockchain technologies in order to save the centralized and expensive middlemen. This way they can lowest fees and highest efficiency become. In doing so, DeeLance uses to the required protection of rights at work special NFTs, which map the copyright and usage rights completely transparently and securely. It is particularly interesting that this also fragment for real estate, collectibles, and more. This means that small investors with small amounts can also diversify more broadly and also benefit from the attractive returns and at the same time spread their risk better.

Invest now in a unique Metaverse!

Launchpad XYZ – Fastest, easiest and most secure Web3 access

Web3 Revolution Challenges and Launchpad XYZ's Breakthrough Solution

The Web3 offers revolutionary potential, which, however, has so far had problems in mainstream adaptation. These include, among others, the strong diversification of the market, which makes it difficult for beginners to find the best deals for themselves. But even then, there are often other problems that stand in the way. Because you need it to use it necessary technical background knowledge as well as partly different coins, blockchains and wallets. Likewise there is expensive middlemen and fraudulent providers, so it is not surprising that the majority of potential users are put off by the first impression. Launchpad XYZ now addresses all of these problems.

First of all, there is one Web3 search engine, like Google for the Web2. In this context, most advanced features such as AI recommendations and AI chat functions to be provided. The curated portal also offers reviews for all offers about the Launchpad Quotient and the user reviews. In this way, users should quickly find the best offers, while scammers can be filtered out more efficiently. It includes the entire Web3 and offers for this Various B2B and B2C services, through which a wide variety of revenues are generated. Next to the inherent diversification it also offers one unique Web3 wallet for seamless use of all offers.

Invest in user-friendly Web3 access now!

Oasys – Promising GameFi project from renowned game studios


Oasys is one Blockchain specialized in gaming, which was launched in February 2022. The network is created through partnerships with 21 gaming and web3 technology companies strengthened, including major players such as Ubisoft, Bandai Namco, SEGA, Square Enix, WeMade, double jump.crypto, NEOWIZ, Com2us, Netmarble and Yield Guild Games. Other partners are the gaming NFT marketplace tofuNFTthe gaming technology studio Mythicalthe Japanese gaming and social media company GREE and the Japanese telecom operator SoftBank. The blockchain is intended to solve the problems of scaling gaming. Because in this context fall particularly high data flows due to microtransactions at.

In addition, the developers of Oasys predict the Creation of diverse digital environments by different companies, games and content creators. They await the transition to one multiverse era. Blockchains and NFTs are used to ensure interoperability between these multiverses and to clarify ownership issues. Likewise, the Oasys team recently launched a new framework for decentralized management. This means that the direction of the blockchain is determined by the stakeholders of the project. The goal is one fully decentralized and autonomous gaming blockchain to accomplish. It is expected that the broader gaming community will vote on the development of the blockchain by owning OAS tokens.

Invest in renowned GameFi blockchain now!

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About the author: Simon Feldhusen first came into contact with the stock market 17 years ago and has been dealing intensively with trading, cryptoassets, stocks, P2P, corporate finance, finance and entrepreneurship on a daily basis for more than 8 years. He has also been working as a copywriter and ghostwriter in the financial sector for several years. During this time he has acquired a diversified knowledge through various training courses on the financial markets and following the daily news. Since then, not a day has gone by that he hasn’t engaged with the markets. He publishes for,, and P2E
