Cry for help about freedom of opinion at TU/e: ‘Criticism can cost you your career’

The management of Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) was already under fire because a critical article was not allowed to be placed on the Cursor news site. But now there is also criticism that freedom of expression is being curtailed at the university. A number of scientists and students write this in an open letter on the website with news about TU/e.

There have been tensions between the university board, the editorial board and Cursor’s journalists for years. The editorial board ‘advises’ the editor-in-chief and the editors on articles. In May, on the advice of the editorial board, a critical story about newly appointed Rector Magnificus Silvia Lenaerts was not published. Editor-in-chief Han Konings reluctantly complied, but he was still removed from his position by the university management. He continued to work for TU/e.

This led to media attention and questions in the municipal council and the House of Representatives. But now there is also criticism from scientists and our own students in an open letter.

‘Career blocked’
In the letter, the scientists and student stand up for the editors of Cursor, according to reports Studio040. They criticize that Cursor’s editorial staff is not independent. They also wonder out loud whether one of the largest employers of TU/e ​​graduates can also be chairman of the supervisory board. They are referring to ASML CEO Peter Wennink.

They also have serious doubts about the way in which management deals with ‘critical feedback’. “Too much criticism and you will be dismissed as a whiner or worse: your career will be blocked,” the letter states. The writers also believe that scientists and students should have more influence.

Cry for help
The letter was signed by seven people who are mentioned by name. The writers say they are not alone in their criticism. According to them, the cry for help was created with the help of several colleagues and students.

Dissatisfaction is also growing outside TU/e. Soon after Cursor editor-in-chief Han Konings was sidelined, trade unions FNV and AOb contacted the Executive Board (CvB). Together with the editors, they argue that Cursor’s journalistic freedom is guaranteed.

Critical voices
The FNV believes that a university should offer space for critical voices like no other and that journalistic freedom should therefore be guaranteed. The Executive Board has not yet officially responded to the proposals from the editors and the unions. However, according to the FNV, there was a ‘constructive’ discussion.

READ ALSO: No one was allowed to read criticism of the new rector of TU/e
