Crown Prince Haakon is open about Mette-Marit’s illness: “She is not getting better”

Crown Princess Mette-Marit suffers from incurable pulmonary fibrosis.

Crown Prince of Norway Haakon the biography appeared on Thursday in Norway. Haakon and the writer Kjetil Østlin the work written bears the name Haakon – historier om en tronarving (Haakon – stories from the heir to the crown).

Norwegian newspaper VG writes that Haakon talks openly in his book, among other things, about his spouse, the crown princess About Mette-Marit and about this illness. Mette-Marit suffers from chronic pulmonary fibrosis.

Mette-Marit suffers from pulmonary fibrosis. PDO

Haakon says in his book that although the disease cannot be cured with modern drugs, its progression can be slowed down.

– He won’t get better, but his condition won’t deteriorate in the near future either. That’s what doctors aim for, Haakon writes.

Haakon describes that Mette-Marit, for example, is short of breath, even though the illness is otherwise not noticeable from the outside.

The Crown Princess’s illness is unpredictable and Mette-Marit can quickly become unwell due to the illness or her medication. Because of this, he may have to cancel his duties even with short notice.

– He has a lot of good days. But uncertainty is always present. Do we have to cancel? We do not know. It’s part of life, illness and handling difficult things together, says Haakon in his book.

Due to the illness, Mette-Marit’s health varies. PDO

Mette-Marit represented her husband alongside her last week at the award gala held at the Oslo Opera House.

In September, Mette-Marit was on sick leave for a couple of weeks, which is why she had to miss, among other things, the King of Sweden Kaarle Kustaan 50th anniversary celebration.

The Crown Prince couple happily represented earlier this week. PDO

In 2018, Mette-Marit was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis, a chronic lung tissue scarring disease.

Mette-Marit has reduced her official duties after her illness. The corona period was especially challenging for the crown princess, and despite the precautions, she also contracted the corona herself.

In the spring of 2021, Mette-Marit announced the impact of her illness on the royal representation.

– My health affects the fact that my work capacity will vary. The Crown Prince and I consider it best to inform about this now, as there may be times in the future when the disease is more active and I will not be able to participate in my public duties, the Crown Princess said at the time.

Source: VG
