Cross-country stars defend mysterious party night

After the extremely successful Ski World Championships in Planica, the Swedish cross-country skiing team was said to have a penchant for excessive parties. The stars are now defending the mysterious celebration, for which only a few details are known.

With a total of twelve medals won, including four gold medals, the Swedish team was one of the most successful at the Nordic World Ski Championships in 2023.

The celebrations that followed got a little out of hand, as Frida Karlsson revealed in early March. “I have to hold back not to say anything about Jens Burman. Something went wrong there,” joked the 23-year-old when she returned to Sweden.

However, Karlsson did not reveal what exactly happened. But her teammate did something that only horses do, she said.

“What happened must remain a secret”

Burmann emphasized with a mischievous smile: “What happened must remain a secret, but we had a fun evening.”

Karlsson agreed with her teammate and spoke of a “super fun” evening.

The Swedes lost the status of an extremely healthy model athlete after the celebrations.

Cross-country star Lovisa Modig: “I enjoy life”

For Lovisa Modig and Maja Dahlqvist it is completely normal to go partying anyway. “I enjoy life, I would say one hundred percent,” Modig told the Swedish newspaper Expressen.

Dahlqvist added: “We all do that. Everyone can choose their options.”

The 28-year-old doesn’t think “there are any problems. We’re only human. Skiing is part of our life, but not our whole life. We don’t talk much about what we do on the side. We might not want to share everything “Dahlqvist pointed out.
