Cross-country confusion causes outrage: star “upset”

On Monday, the Norwegian Cross-Country Skiing Federation announced the national team squad for winter 2023/2024. For some cross-country skiers, however, there was uncertainty for a long time – which caused outrage in Norway.

Last Thursday, the two cross-country skiers Didrik Tønseth and Sindre Bjørnestad Skar were informed that they will not be part of the Norwegian national cross-country team in the coming season.

“Last Thursday I was told there was no place for me in the team. You’re out. It came very suddenly because it’s been a long time since we last ran,” Tønseth told NRK.

The 31-year-old was “upset” about the short-term cancellation. After all, planning the pre-season is almost impossible. “If I had gotten the message straight after Lahti, it would have been tough but fair,” Tønseth said.

On Sunday, just one day before the squad was announced, Tønseth was told that he would be part of the elite selection after all.

“I suddenly woke up on Sunday morning from a missed call. Something happened there. And now I’m here,” reported the 2018 Olympic relay champion.

“A Party You’re Not Invited To”

Skar was also initially rejected. Then came the turnaround. “It’s been a weird couple of days. It wasn’t quite how I imagined it would be,” admitted the 31-year-old, adding, “It feels a bit like going to a party, too to which one is not invited.”

The reason for Norway’s short-term change of plan is, on the one hand, the end of Hans Christer Holund’s career. On the other hand, superstar Johannes Hösflot Kläbo announced on Sunday that he wants to withdraw from the national team so that other athletes can be better promoted.

The Norwegian head of cross-country skiing, Espen Bjervig, defended the association’s approach: “Only when the general conditions are in place can we inform the athletes about the team. It has now taken some time beyond spring.”
